Social Media Voice Choice

Down the Rabbit Hole

Which Social Media do you use?

     Apparently, I am so enthralled by social media I fell down the Rabbit Hole of WordPress before but never committed to uttering my keyboard tappings until today. I am a strong encourager of utilizing all facets on online promotion. In the two years of running my graphics and marketing business, I’ve found that if you have the dedication and enthusiasm, free sites like WordPress, Facebook and Google+ can really add to your business reach. It almost seems mandatory that businesses fill out every single social media profile but I believe you must first look into what will actually help you achieve your business goals. Social media should complement your creativity not stress it. It you own a video production business, YouTube and Vimeo would be good places to start your engagement. Facebook is always a good tool, but it can get cluttered, has constant upgrades where Fan Pages are not always listed in a Fan’s newsfeed. This can lead to wasted hours of work trying to create the perfect Post. You can opp for the ‘Promote’ button and pay for your Posts to be viewed more, but that’s not a guarantee for interaction. If you do crafting, perhaps Pinterest or Etsy. If you’re a musician, the always updating MySpace or SoundCloud. Google+ is a strong contender, with offering free Google+ business pages that can tie into your Google places listings and get you optimized for free. (No more annoying phone calls from people sounding like their from Google!!)

     Focusing on which social media sites will empower your business can cut down the clutter of updating and expedite your marketing. Time is money! I also recommend trustworthy third party sites to manage multiple social media sites from one location. Companies like Short Stack are making Fan pages even more powerful for free. After 2000 ‘Likes’ they offer low-cost creative solutions to getting the most bang out of your Facebook-vested buck. Vocus as well as OfferPop both offer 14 day trials and can help truly dive into cohesive social media marketing.

So where ever your Rabbit Hole leads you, enjoy the ride, take notes and know everything can work together to better your business!

Prosperous journeys my friends,

Alicia Busick
Marketing Geek, MandyLion Graphics

2 thoughts on “Social Media Voice Choice

  1. So appreciate this article. With so many platforms to choose from, it is often hard for a newbie to know which to choose. As a crafter, I knew I wanted a media where I could delight with the images of my jewelry. For me, Facebook & Pinterest has been my focus & I am open to exploring adding another. Probably you tube.

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